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60+ Coverage from OMA Insurance

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Entering the next phase of your career.

As you transition to the later stages of your career, OMA Insurance continues to have the coverage that meets your changing needs.

Keep what you have or get more

Exclusive insurance options designed for members who continue to work into their pre-retirement and retirement years. OMA Insurance products are designed to allow you the option to continue protecting your unique needs and your and your family’s financial health and well-being.

Working beyond retirement? No problem, learn more about your insurance options through OMA Insurance

OMA Priority Insurance Program (OPIP)

You can stay enrolled in OPIP and continue to receive your subsidy as long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements regardless of your age. See OPIP Eligibility.

Once you stop being eligible, you can continue your Health and Dental Insurance and keep Legal Expense Insurance if you have been enrolled in OPIP for at least 12 months, and pay the full cost of the plan.

The Critical Illness insurance can be kept in force until you turn 70. See OPIP Continuance for more details.


OMA Health Benefits (including OPIP) provide $2 million of emergency out of country medical coverage for the first 90-days of travel (if you are under age 70) or for the first 30 days of travel (if you are age 70 or over).

Manulife Standalone Travel Insurance

- Over 70 and travelling for more than 30 days?
- Don’t have Health Insurance with us?

Manulife offers members a discount on their travel insurance needs.

Learn more.

Group Disability

If you have an OMAI Group Disability Policy in force at age 70 and are providing at least 25 hours of medical services a week, you can extend your disability insurance under the 70+ DI coverage option.

It is guaranteed acceptance - no medical evidence required.

Read about the 70+ DI coverage option.

Health & Dental

You can apply up to age 79. Note: no medical underwriting if you apply within 90 days of losing group coverage.

There is no termination age, but you must remain a member of the OMA or of an Atlantic Medical Association/Society and reside in Canada (excluding Quebec).

Learn more about Health and Dental Insurance.

Group Life

Flex Term Life

If you have a Flex Term 10 or Flex Term 20 policy, coverage will terminate at age 75. However, before reaching the age of 65, you have the option to convert all or part of your face amount to Group Level Term to Age 100 coverage without medical evidence.

Read about Flex Term Life.

Term Life Plus 75

If you have a Term Life Plus 75 policy, after you turn 75 you will continue to receive coverage for life without having to pay any further premiums.

Read about Term Life Plus 75.

Professional Overhead Expense (POE)

If you have a POE policy and are still operating a practice, you can keep this coverage until age 80.

If at age 70 you are not totally disabled, and you are practicing medicine, you may have the right to continue your POE coverage until age 80.

Learn more about POE.

Have questions about your insurance needs?

Our team of licensed insurance agents will advise you based on your unique situation and act to implement tailored solutions that fit your lifestyle and career stage.